وعليكم السَلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
مع الأسف لا فائدة من الإضافة
هي تعمل مع المنتديات التركية فقط
فهل منتداك تركي أخي
Q-1: Why this add-on is in unmaintaned status?
A-1: This add-on is written by us for using only in Turkey. Due to PayPal limitation in our country, we didn't add international sms providers. Also, this add-on was an paid add-on until now. We are sharing it as
free now. Please look other questions and answers for detailed info.
Q-2: There are only 4 sms providers and they are working with only Turkish (0090) gsm numbers. Can you add another and international one?
A-2: It can be add but we won't add. Check Q-1 please.
Q-3: What can I do with this add-on?
A-3: You can download and use at your forum. Of course you need to edit some harcoded limitations and add your country's sms provider's api. You can add and edit for
personal use only.
Q-4: What can not I do?
A-4: You can
not share this add-on's original and edited versions in
any platform. You can
not share add-on's
any line of codes. You can
not use
any line of codes in another project/add-on/area.
Q-5: Will you transfer this add-on's rights to another coder for developing it?
A-5: Yes, we are thinking about it and we are open to offers. You can
start a conversation with me and my friend. We will check your profile. Sorry for this steps but we want to seperate thieves and coders.
Q-6: You said "some hardcoded limitations" in Q-3. Will you define them to us if I will continue to develop this add-on?
A-6: Of course we will. We will give you support for
any subject on this add-on's coding or etc.
Q-7: Is there any branding?
A-7: Yes, this add-on has branding on footer area. Sorry but you can
not remove it.
General Info: This add-on supports xF 1.2.x-1.5.x and xF 2.0.x versions. All questions and answers are valid for that two versions.
xF 1.x.x Resource Link: Unmaintained - XenForo-Turkiye SMS
xF 2.0.x Resource Link: Unmaintained - XenForo-Turkiye SMS